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Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 5 years, 2 months ago

Projects: New Portfolio Story


For this assignment, you will be adding a new story to your Portfolio! But first, make sure you have completed all pending revisions on any other page(s) at your website. You need to finish those revisions before you add the new page and the new story. 


STEP ONECreate a new page. Each time you add a Portfolio story to the Portfolio, you will need to create a new page at the Portfolio site. The instructions for creating a new page vary from platform to platform; here are the instructions I've written for Google Sites:

Google Sites: Add new Page.


STEP TWO. Copy from blog post to Portfolio. Next, go back to your blog and look through the stories you have written for class so far. Pick your favorite, and copy it over to the Story page.


  • About copying a blog post. When you copy a blog post, you want to copy just the contents of the post, not the formatting. So, when you copy your blog post, make sure you OPEN the post as if you were going to edit it, and copy the contents that appear in the editing window: Select-All (Control-A), then Copy (Control-C). That should help give you a good, clean copy.


  • About images. The image from your original blog post may or may not copy over. Be prepared for the possibility that you may need to save a copy of the image to your desktop and then upload it to your Portfolio website. 


STEP THREE. Edit and Publish Portfolio Story page. Now that you have the story copied at your website, read through your story and see if there are any changes you want to make. You may even need to make some changes to fit the requirements for a Portfolio story. If your story was super-short, you may need to make it longer (500 words minimum). You should also double-check to make sure your story is not too long (1000 words is the max; here are some notes about short-and-sweet writing strategies). If your author's note was super-short, you may need to make it longer (200 words minimum; here are some tips about the author's note). You'll want to double-check your image information and also your bibliography. And, as always, proofread by reading out loud and spellcheck. If your web publishing platform doesn't have a spellchecker, use the spellcheck suggestions here


STEP FOUR. Coverpage and Navigation. After you publish the Story page, check to make sure it appears in the navigation on the coverpage of the site. You will also want to edit the Homepage in some way to let your readers know what they will find in your Portfolio. Just how you want to use the coverpage at your Portfolio site is up to you, and it depends on the options available at your platform. Here are some notes about Google Sites:

Google Sites: Coverpage and Navigation.


STEP FIVE: Update your class blog post. Go to your class blog post where you originally published the story and add a note at the top with a link to your Portfolio; that way people will know that the current version of the story is at your Portfolio. You can leave your original story at the blog or you can delete the story; either way is fine — just make sure you have a note in the original blog post telling people that the story is now part of your separate Portfolio website.


When that all looks good to go, you can turn in the assignment!


FILL IN THE FORM and DO THE DECLARATION. To let me know the assignment is done, fill out the form below. Then, after you have submitted the form, you can do the Gradebook Declaration for the Project assignment in Canvas. I will send you back comments on your assignment by email.




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