

Technology Tips: D2L Profile


Since you are probably using Desire2Learn in many of your OU classes, it's worth setting up your Desire2Learn Profile Page. It's very primitive (like everything else about Desire2Learn...), but it does allow you to upload a photo along with other information you might want to share. For example, here is my D2L Profile page (you have to be logged on to Desire2Learn to be able to access the page). Here is how you can set up your D2L Profile page:


STEP ONE: On the main page at learn.ou.edu, look for the Settings box in the upper right-hand corner, and click on the Profile link. 



STEP TWO: You should see the editing screen for your Profile page. To complete this assignment, upload an image (it can be a personal photo, or an image of anything at all - I use a cartoon character from Dr. Seuss, as you can see). You can also fill in any of the other boxes there on the page that you want. For this assignment, make sure you upload an avatar image; anything else is totally optional. When you are done, be sure to click Save.


STEP THREE: Now check to make sure it worked. Go to our class Desire2Learn page, and click on Roster in the navigation bar:



Then, when you see the list of people in the class, find your name, and you should now see the image you uploaded. Click on the image to access your profile. Does everything look good? You are done! If you see an image instead of a greyhead for other students in the class, that means they have filled out their profiles too, and you can access the profile by clicking on the image.


STEP FOUR. After you've set up your profile, you need to create a blog post with the title: D2L Profile Tech Tip. Include your avatar image in your post, plus  a sentence or two about why you chose that particular image Here's my sample blog post. You might want to use the "Tech Tip" label so you can keep track of all your Tech Tip posts.


Finishing Up. After you've done the blog post, you're ready to do the Declaration for this Tech Tip.