Projects: New Portfolio Story
For this assignment, you will be adding a new story to your Storybook! But first, make sure you have already completed all pending revisions on any other page(s) at your website. You need to finish those pending revisions before you add the new page with the new story.
STEP ONE. Add a new page to your website. The specific instructions for adding a new page to your site depend on the web publishing system you are using. I've written out instructions for Google Sites here.
STEP TWO. Write your story. The story itself should be between 500 words minimum and 1000 words maximum (here are some notes about short-and-sweet writing strategies). The author's note should be a minimum of 200 words (here are some tips about the author's note). You'll want to include at least one image with image information, plus bibliography for your source(s). And, as always, proofread by reading out loud and spellcheck. If your web publishing platform doesn't have a spellchecker, you can use the spellcheck suggestions here.
STEP THREE. Publish your Story page. After you publish the Story page, make sure the new Story page has a navigation link that will let your readers get from the cover homepage to the story (there are some notes here about Google Sites navigation).
Author's Notes on a separate page. For some projects, it makes sense to put the author's notes / bibliography on a separate page, with all the notes and bibliography together. You can decide what is best for your project.
When that all looks good to go, you can turn in the assignment!
SEND ME AN EMAIL. As usual, there's a blue box below for you to copy-and-paste into an email to me, along with a blank to fill in with the address of your website. For the subject line, use Myth-Folklore Project Story or Indian Epics Project Story depending on which class you are in.
And don't forget to do the Declaration in Canvas after you've sent me the email.
Paste this into the email you send me:
WEBSITE. There is a link from my website Homepage to my new Story page.
LENGTH. My story is between 500 and 1000 words long.
AUTHOR'S NOTE. My author's note is at least 200 words long.
PROOFREADING. I proofread my story and note by reading it out loud.
SPELLCHECK. I spellchecked the story and note.
IMAGE. My story has at least one image plus image information.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. I included bibliography for my story source(s).
REVISIONS. Before adding my new story, I completed all pending revisions.
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