

Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 5 years, 2 months ago


Tech Tip: Twine Styles


By now you are probably familiar with the standard Twine style, but there are other Twine styles. For example, here is a story in Chapbook style: Nursery Rhyme Maze.



You can switch from one Twine style to another for the same story, kind of like choosing a different template at your blog. For this tip, you should already be familiar with Twine and how to publish your Twine file in your own webspace (you don't need to have done any embedding yet). For example, here is a link to that Twine file in my OUCreate space.


Here's how to change from one Twine style to another:


Open file. You need to start by going to the browser-based Twine editor (or the local version you installed) and opening an exiting story file, or you can create a new file for the purposes of this tip.


Click on the up arrow. That opens up the different menu options for when you are working on a file. Choose Change Story Format, and you will see a list of format options pop up. Just choose the option you want, use "X" to close the window, and then click Play to see how the new format looks. For technical details about the different formats, see the Twine Wiki. If you like what you see, you can use the up arrow to open the menu option again, and choose Publish to File. That will give you a file with the new formatting. You can then log on to your OU Create account and upload that file. The changes will not be visible to your readers until you replace the old HTML file with the new one.



Blog post. Now go to your blog, and write a blog post with your thoughts about the Twine styles you tried. Did you publish a new story or a new version of an existing Twine story with the new style? If so, include a link to it in your post. Use "Tech Tip: Twine Style" for the post title, and "Tech Tip" for the label.


Finishing Up: Don't forget to do the Tech Tip Declaration when you are done!




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