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Week 8 Class Reflections: Reading and Writing Stories


As you've now seen, this class is all about reading and writing stories. Each week, you are spending appx. 2 hours reading traditional stories, then appx. 2-3 hours writing your own stories, and finally 1-2 hours connecting with other students in class through the stories they write. It's a lot of stories... and this is still only a drop in the "Ocean of Stories" that there are in the world!


For this assignment, please reflect on what that experience has been like for you so far, along with pondering your options in the second half of the semester. Here are some prompts to help start your reflections; please work through the prompts, and then write a blog post about whatever you think is most relevant to your experience in the class:




* First, click on the "Reading Notes" label at your blog and look back over the reading so far. Have you been making good choices with the reading? What has been the reading you enjoyed most? How about your reading schedule: have you found a good time/place to do the reading? 


*Next, take a minute to re-read the assignment instructions for the Notes post. Are your reading notes making it easy for you to transition into writing a story each week? Are you "reading like a writer," thinking about your own writing projects while you do the reading for class? 


* Finally, take a look at the reading options coming up (Myth-Folklore Weeks 9-10, 11-12, 13-14; Indian Epics Weeks 9-14) and think about what you want to read in the weeks to come. 




* First, click on the Stories link at your blog, and look back over all the stories you have written so far. Are you happy with the stories you have been writing this semester? What have you learned about yourself as a writer? When you have a question or problem as you are writing, where do you turn for help? 


* If you are doing a Storybook, are you happy with your choice? Do you have a good plan for how you will develop your project in the second half of the semester? (You can switch to a Portfolio it you prefer; let me know if you are feeling stuck and would like some help with that: Week 8 is the last week when it makes sense to start a Portfolio so that you can still end up with three or four stories by the end of the semester.)


* Look ahead: Are there some storytelling experiments you would like to try? Are there some writing skills you want to master? What are the resources you need to use in order to develop your writing skills over the next two months?




When you look at other people's stories, what do you most admire? Conversely, do you see some habits and tendencies in other people's stories that you would like to avoid in your own stories? Do you think you have been doing a good job in giving other people feedback about their stories? What can you do to provide even better feedback in the second half of the semester?




The prompts above should give you plenty to ponder and write about in a blog post! Here are some specific guidelines for your post:

* Include the phrase "Week 8 Reflections" in your post title somewhere.

* Use the label "Week 8" for your post (no other label needed).


Include an image to go with your post. That might be an image related to the writing process or an image from one of your favorite stories this semester.


When you are done, complete the Declaration:



I have followed the instructions for the assignment and published a blog post with my class reflections. 

POST TITLE: I used the phrase "Week 8 Reflections" somewhere in the post title.

POST LABEL: I used the label "Week 8" for the post.

IMAGE: I Included at least one image with image information.



Write creatively... write without fear!


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