
music (redirected from week8reading)

Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 8 years, 11 months ago


Week 8: Music for Your Comment Wall


Right now you have an image in your Comment Wall post, and I thought it would be fun to add some feel-good music too! So, for this assignment, find a video at YouTube with some music that gives you a boost and then embed that video in your Comment Wall post!


Then, after everybody has had a chance to finish this assignment, for the blog comments this week you can visit people's Comment Wall posts and see if you can find some music you will enjoy too. And just for fun, I've put a video I really like at the bottom of these instructions. Enjoy! :-)


Step 1. Start by finding a video (or more than one; see playlist option below). 


Step 2. Go to your blog, click on your Comment Wall link in the label navigation, and then open your Comment Wall post for editing.


Step 3. Position your cursor where you want the video to go, and say a few words about the video.


Step 4. Click on the film icon (to the right of the image icon), choose "From YouTube," and then paste in the URL. You should see a preview of the video. Double-click to add it to your blog. Then: publish!


Step 5. Now go to your blog, click on the Comment Wall link in your label navigation, and then click the video play button to make sure it is working. You're done!


The Declaration text is below.


PLAYLIST OPTION. If you want to find more than one video and create a video playlist, that would be great! You can count that for a Tech Tip, too; here are the Tech Tip instructions: Embed a YouTube Video Playlist.


After you've added a video or video playlist to your post, you can do the Declaration:



I have added a YouTube music video or playlist to my Comment Wall post.

I have checked to make sure the video plays.



Here's a video that I really like! I found the lyrics at genius.com.


Pharrell Williams - Freedom



Hold on to me.

Don't let me go.

Who cares what they see?

Who cares what they know?

Your first name is Free,

Last name is Dom —

'Cause you still believe

In where we’re from.


Man's red flower

It's in every living thing,

Mind, use your power!

Spirit, use your wings!



Hold on to me.

Don't let me go.

Cheetahs need to eat;

Run, antelope!

Your first name is King,

Last name is Dom —

'Cause you still believe

In everyone.


When a baby first breathes,

When night sees sunrise,

When the whale hops the sea,

When man recognizes



We are from heat,

The electric one;

Does it shock you to see

He left us the sun?

Atoms in the air,

Organisms in the sea,

The sun and, yes, man

Are made of the same things.




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