
week8surveys (redirected from week8writing)

Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 7 years, 11 months ago


Week 8 Feedback Surveys


Instead of a blog post, this assignment has two ANONYMOUS surveys for you to complete. One is about Canvas, and one is about the class in general.


PART ONE: Canvas Survey. Your feedback about Canvas is REALLY important, especially because next year every single course at OU will be in Canvas. The more we can learn about Canvas this year, the easier it will be for everybody to be on Canvas next year. So, I will be using the information you share here to try to improve the Canvas experience for students in these classes next year, and I will also be sharing all your responses to this survey with Adam Croom and Kevin Buck, who are two of the leaders for the Canvas project. Here is the survey: Canvas Spring 2017.


Don't forget to click "submit" at the end when you are done. I've also included the option so that you can see other people's responses if you are curious about what other people are saying in their responses.


PART TWO: Class Survey. This is another anonymous survey, and your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, both positive (so I don't mess up parts of the class that are working well) and negative (so that I can improve the class in the future). As you can probably guess, these Gen. Ed. classes are really hard to design because all the students have their own goals and priorities and backgrounds. Different people like/dislike different things, but if I can learn from each of you what is working for you (or not working), then I can try to keep improving the classes overall. Not everybody will be happy with everything, but I still would like to make the class a good learning experience for every single person if possible — and almost all the changes I've made to the classes over the years have come from your suggestions, for which I am very grateful. Here is the survey: Week 8 Feedback.


Thank you in advance for your feedback, and feel free also to email me if you have questions or suggestions you want to chat about back-and-forth too. 


When you are done, don't forget to do the Declaration:



I completed the Canvas survey and submitted my responses.

I completed the Class Feedback survey and submitted my responses.




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