Extra Credit: Curation Spaces — Curate and Share!
For this extra credit assignment, I'd like you to create a list of at least THREE of favorite web discoveries this week for this class. It can be anything you found related to your work for this class — images, blog posts, webpages, websites, online books, videos, anything online that you can link to and/or display in a blog post. It might be hard to pick out just three, but that is part of the process here: looking back on the week and choosing the best highlights, your three best discoveries. You can see my weekly posts at class Known: my Myth-Folklore curation posts and my Indian Epics curation posts.
After you have identified your three favorites, create a post at your blog with a list of the items and links to those items, along with a sentence or two about each one to let us know why you picked it for the list. Feel free to list more items, but let us know which were the top three favorites that you found during work for this class. I wrote kind of a lot but, hey, that's because I obsess about all this online stuff. I am amazed every day by the things I can find online to use in these classes!
Are you using Known? If so, you might want to do the post at Known instead of at your regular blog, since the goal here is to come up with links and resources to share, and the Known class blog is perfect for that since it is a public, shared space. I'll be writing my curation posts in Known (as you saw in those examples), and it would be really cool if other people wanted to do the same.You can find out more about using Known in the Tech Tips.
Include at least one image (or video) ... and maybe you will want to include an image for each of your three favorites; that's what I did in my posts since I am almost always focused on image-related resources like illustrations and graphics. I'm hoping lots of people will do this assignment, and then we'll have a really great list of links each week based on what everyone else has shared.
If you did a good job of curating your reading and research this week, the assignment will be very quick an easy! All you'll need to do is go to your bookmarks folder and/or your Pinterest Board and/or your Known and/or Twitter to see what you have saved from the week. If you did not do such a good job of curating during the week, then you can do some research now, finding some cool stuff to share. But first, you might do a Tech Tip to learn more about Pinterest, Twitter, or Known to see if one of those curation tools will be helpful to you for future weeks.
Blog post. After you have made your list of links and annotations, along with at least one image, you're done!
* If this is a Blogger blog post, include the phrase "Week ___ Curation" (Week 2 Curation, Week 3 Curation, etc.) in the blog post title somewhere and also use "Curation" and the week (Week 2, Week 3, etc.) as the blog post labels.
* If this is a Known blog post, include the phrase "Week ___ Curation" (Week 2 Curation, Week 3 Curation, etc.) in the blog post title and make sure you use the class hashtag (#OU3043 or #OU4993) in the body of the post, along with the #curation hashtag.
When you are done, don't forget to do the Declaration:
I have created a blog post with my TOP THREE favorite items from the week.
IMAGE. I have included at least one image (with Image Information) or video.
TITLE: The words "Week ___" and "Curation" appear in the post title.
LABELS: My Blogger post has "Week ___" and "Curation" as the labels.
HASHTAG: My Known post has the class hashtag and the #curation hashtag in the body of the post.
You will also be asked which curation tool you found MOST useful this week: browser bookmarks, Pinterest, Twitter, or Known.
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