Create Site and Plan. You will start by creating a site and doing some more planning. Here are the site instructions step by step.
(This assignment is usually for Week 4, although you might be starting your Storybook in a later week.)
Add Introduction Page. Here are the instructions for publishing the Introduction.
(This assignment is usually for Week 5, but it might be later.)
Revisions. The next week will do Introduction Revisions.
(This assignment is usually for Week 6, but that varies.)
Story. After completing the Introduction, you will add stories to the Storybook, one by one. Here are the instructions for adding a New Story.
(People are usually adding stories in Weeks 7, 10, and 12, although that depends on your Storybook plan and also on how you are using the break weeks this semester.)
Story Revisions. Each time you add a new story, you will work on revisions for the next week: Story Revisions.
(The revision weeks are usually Weeks 9, 11, and 13, but again, that varies based on each person's schedule and Storybook plan.)
Final Revisions. This is an assignment you can use at the end of the semester to complete your Final Revisions.
Create Site / Publish a Story. You will start by creating a site and publishing your first Portfolio story. Here are the site instructions step by step.
(This assignment is usually for Week 4, although you might be starting the Portfolio in a later week.)
Revisions. Each time you add a new story, you will work on revisions for the next assignment: Portfolio Revisions.
(This assignment is usually for Week 5, although that depends on when you start your Portfolio.)
More Revisions. With the Portfolio, there is time for a second week of revisions on each story before you move on to the next new story: Revisions.
(Most people finish revisions to their first story in Week 6, although it depends on each person's schedule.)
New Story. After you finish revising a story, you are ready to add a new story to the Portfolio: New Story, followed by a two-week revision cycle like before: Revisions.
(People are usually adding new stories in Weeks 7, 11, and 13, although that varies, especially this semester because of the break weeks. Some Portfolios have 3 stories, and some have 4; there is no specific requirement about the total number of stories.)
Final Revisions. This is an assignment you can use at the end of the semester to complete your Final Revisions.
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